Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Automated... sort of

I've started in on non-free file reductions (because of copyright laws, files that are not free for general use should be much smaller than an original). As of right now, there are 7482 files that need to be reduced. Some of these are sound files, but a fair number of them are images that need to be made smaller.

I'm currently using a program called ImageMagick to automate the conversion to PNG format (where appropriate) and the reduction in size to a thumbnail version of the original. Using a small script, I've eliminated the need to use a more manual program (such as GIMP) for this repetitive task.

It might be possible to completely automate this process - i.e. set up a bot (with permission, of course) - however at the moment, not all JPG files are candidate for conversion to PNG. As a result, most of the process is still manual - I still have to download the appropriate images individually, upload them individually, update the {{non-free reduce}} tag for each image so it is {{non-free reduced}} instead, then test each image to make sure I'm not causing more problems than I solve.

Off I go, so wish me luck!

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